Source code for cwlgen.workflow

#  Import  ------------------------------

# General libraries
import logging

# External libraries
import ruamel.yaml
import six

# Internal libraries

from .requirements import Requirement
from .utils import literal, literal_presenter, Serializable, value_or_default
from .common import Parameter, CWL_SHEBANG
from .workflowdeps import InputParameter, WorkflowOutputParameter, WorkflowStep

# Logging setup

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#  Function(s)  ------------------------------

#  Class(es)  ------------------------------

[docs]class Workflow(Serializable): """ A workflow describes a set of steps and the dependencies between those steps. When a step produces output that will be consumed by a second step, the first step is a dependency of the second step. Documentation: """ __CLASS__ = 'Workflow' required_fields = ["inputs", "outputs", "steps"] ignore_fields_on_parse = ["class", "requirements"] ignore_fields_on_convert = ["inputs", "outputs", "requirements"] parse_types = { "inputs": [[InputParameter]], "outputs": [[WorkflowOutputParameter]], "steps": [[WorkflowStep]], }
[docs] def __init__(self, workflow_id=None, label=None, doc=None, cwl_version='v1.0', inputs=None, outputs=None, steps=None, requirements=None, hints=None): """ :param workflow_id: The unique identifier for this process object. :type workflow_id: STRING :param label: A short, human-readable label of this process object. :type label: STRING :param doc: A long, human-readable description of this process object. :type doc: STRING :param cwl_version: CWL document version. Always required at the document root. Default: 'v1.0' :type cwl_version: CWLVersion """ = workflow_id self.label = label self.doc = doc self.cwlVersion = cwl_version self.inputs = value_or_default(inputs, []) # list[InputParameter] self.outputs = value_or_default(outputs, []) # list[WorkflowOutputParameter] self.steps = value_or_default(steps, []) # list[WorkflowStep] self.requirements = value_or_default(requirements, []) # list[Requirement] self.hints = value_or_default(hints, []) # list[Requirement] self._path = None
def get_dict(self): cwl_workflow = super(Workflow, self).get_dict() cwl_workflow['class'] = self.__CLASS__ # steps, inputs, outputs are required properties, so it should fail if we can't place it cwl_workflow['steps'] = { step.get_dict() for step in self.steps} cwl_workflow['inputs'] = { i.get_dict() for i in self.inputs} cwl_workflow['outputs'] = { o.get_dict() for o in self.outputs} if self.requirements: cwl_workflow['requirements'] = {r.get_class(): r.get_dict() for r in self.requirements} if self.hints: cwl_workflow["hints"] = {r.get_class(): r.get_dict() for r in self.hints} return cwl_workflow @classmethod def parse_dict(cls, d): wf = super(Workflow, cls).parse_dict(d) reqs = d.get("requirements") if reqs: if isinstance(reqs, list): wf.requirements = [Requirement.parse_dict(r) for r in reqs] elif isinstance(reqs, dict): # splat operator here would be so nice {**r, "class": c} wf.requirements = [] for c, r in reqs.items(): rdict = {'class': c} rdict.update(r) wf.requirements.append(Requirement.parse_dict(rdict)) hnts = d.get("hints") if hnts: if isinstance(hnts, list): wf.hints = [Requirement.parse_dict(r) for r in hnts] elif isinstance(hnts, dict): # splat operator here would be so nice {**r, "class": c} wf.hints = [] for c, r in hnts.items(): rdict = {'class': c} rdict.update(r) wf.hints.append(Requirement.parse_dict(rdict)) return wf def export_string(self): ruamel.yaml.add_representer(literal, literal_presenter) cwl_tool = self.get_dict() return ruamel.yaml.dump(cwl_tool, default_flow_style=False)
[docs] def export(self, outfile=None): """ Export the workflow in CWL either on STDOUT or in outfile. """ rep = self.export_string() # Write CWL file in YAML if outfile is None: six.print_(CWL_SHEBANG, "\n", sep='') six.print_(rep) else: out_write = open(outfile, 'w') out_write.write(CWL_SHEBANG + '\n\n') out_write.write(rep) out_write.close()
############################ # Workflow construction classes # class File: # """ # An abstract file reference used for generating workflows # """ # def __init__(self, path): # self.path = path # # # class Variable: # """ # An output variable from a workflow step # """ # def __init__(self, workflow, step, name): # self.step = step # = name # self.workflow = workflow # # def path(self): # return "%s/%s" % (self.step, # # def store(self): # self.workflow.outputs.append( # WorkflowOutputParameter(self.path().replace("/", "_"), # outputSource=self.path(), # param_type="File")) # return # class StepRun: # """ # Result of adding a step into a workflow # """ # def __init__(self, workflow, id, tool, params): # self.tool = tool # self.workflow = workflow # = id # # step = WorkflowStep(id=id, run=tool._path) # workflow.steps.append(step) # # for i, j in params.items(): # if isinstance(j, six.string_types): # step.inputs.append(WorkflowStepInput(i, default=j)) # elif isinstance(j, Variable): # step.inputs.append(WorkflowStepInput(i, src=j.path())) # elif isinstance(j, InputParameter): # self.workflow.inputs.append(j), # step.inputs.append(WorkflowStepInput(, # elif isinstance(j, File): # # This is just used as a stub, the 'path' inside the file doesn't do anything # self.workflow.inputs.append(InputParameter(i, param_type="File")) # step.inputs.append(WorkflowStepInput(i, src=i)) # for o in tool.outputs: # step.outputs.append( # # def store_all(self): # for i in self.tool.outputs: # Variable(self.workflow,, # # def __getitem__(self, key): # for i in self.tool.outputs: # if == key: # return Variable(self.workflow,, key) # raise KeyError