Source code for cwlgen.commandlinetool

import logging

# External libraries
import ruamel.yaml

from cwlgen.commandlinebinding import CommandLineBinding
from .common import CWL_VERSIONS, DEF_VERSION, CWL_SHEBANG, Namespaces, Parameter
from .requirements import *
from .utils import literal, literal_presenter, Serializable, value_or_default

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#  Function(s)  ------------------------------

#  Class(es)  ------------------------------

[docs]class CommandOutputBinding(Serializable): """ Describes how to generate an output parameter based on the files produced. """
[docs] def __init__(self, glob=None, load_contents=None, output_eval=None): """ :param glob: Find corresponding file(s) :type glob: STRING :param load_contents: For each file matched, read up to the 1st 64 KiB of text and place it in the contents field :type load_contents: BOOLEAN :param output_eval: Evaluate an expression to generate the output value :type output_eval: STRING """ self.glob = glob self.loadContents = load_contents self.outputEval = output_eval
[docs]class CommandInputParameter(Parameter): """ An input parameter for a :class:`cwlgen.CommandLineTool`. """ parse_types = {"inputBinding": [CommandLineBinding]}
[docs] def __init__( self, param_id, label=None, secondary_files=None, param_format=None, streamable=None, doc=None, input_binding=None, default=None, param_type=None, ): """ :param param_id: unique identifier for this parameter :type param_id: STRING :param label: short, human-readable label :type label: STRING :param secondary_files: If type is a file, describes files that must be included alongside the primary file(s) :type secondary_files: STRING :param param_format: If type is a file, uri to ontology of the format or exact format. :type param_format: STRING :param streamable: If type is a file, true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking :type streamable: BOOLEAN :param doc: documentation :type doc: STRING :param input_binding: describes how to handle the input :type input_binding: :class:`cwlgen.CommandLineBinding` object :param default: default value :type default: STRING :param param_type: type of data assigned to the parameter corresponding to CWLType :type param_type: STRING """ Parameter.__init__( self, param_id=param_id, label=label, secondary_files=secondary_files, param_format=param_format, streamable=streamable, doc=doc, param_type=param_type, ) self.inputBinding = input_binding self.default = default
[docs]class CommandOutputParameter(Parameter): """ An output parameter for a :class:`cwlgen.CommandLineTool`. """ parse_types = {"outputBinding": [CommandOutputBinding]}
[docs] def __init__( self, param_id, label=None, secondary_files=None, param_format=None, streamable=None, doc=None, output_binding=None, param_type=None, ): """ :param param_id: unique identifier for this parameter :type param_id: STRING :param label: short, human-readable label :type label: STRING :param secondary_files: If type is a file, describes files that must be included alongside the primary file(s) :type secondary_files: STRING :param param_format: If type is a file, uri to ontology of the format or exact format :type param_format: STRING :param streamable: If type is a file, true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking :type streamable: BOOLEAN :param doc: documentation :type doc: STRING :param output_binding: describes how to handle the output :type output_binding: :class:`cwlgen.CommandOutputBinding` object :param param_type: type of data assigned to the parameter corresponding to CWLType :type param_type: STRING """ Parameter.__init__( self, param_id, label, secondary_files, param_format, streamable, doc, param_type, ) self.outputBinding = output_binding
[docs]class CommandLineTool(Serializable): """ Contain all informations to describe a CWL command line tool. """ __CLASS__ = "CommandLineTool" required_fields = ["inputs", "outputs"] parse_types = {'inputs': [[CommandInputParameter]], "outputs": [[CommandOutputParameter]]} ignore_fields_on_parse = ["namespaces", "class", "requirements"] ignore_fields_on_convert = ["namespaces", "class", "metadata", "requirements"]
[docs] def __init__( self, tool_id=None, base_command=None, label=None, doc=None, cwl_version="v1.0", stdin=None, stderr=None, stdout=None, path=None, requirements=None, hints=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, arguments=None, ): """ :param tool_id: Unique identifier for this tool :type tool_id: str :param base_command: command line for the tool :type base_command: str | list[STRING] :param label: label of this tool :type label: str :param doc: documentation for the tool, usually longer than the label :type doc: str :param cwl_version: version of the CWL tool :type cwl_version: str :param stdin: path to a file whose contents must be piped into stdin :type stdin: str :param stderr: capture stderr into the given file :type stderr: str :param stdout: capture stdout into the given file :type stdout: str inputs (:class:`cwlgen.CommandInputParameter` objects), outputs (:class:`cwlgen.CommandOutputParameter` objects), arguments (:class:`cwlgen.CommandLineBinding` objects), hints (any | :class:`cwlgen.Requirement` objects) and requirements (:class:`cwlgen.Requirement` objects) are stored in lists which are initialized empty. """ if cwl_version not in CWL_VERSIONS: _LOGGER.warning( "CWL version {} is not recognized as a valid version.".format( cwl_version ) ) _LOGGER.warning("CWL version is set up to {}.".format(DEF_VERSION)) cwl_version = DEF_VERSION self.cwlVersion = cwl_version = tool_id self.label = label self.requirements = value_or_default(requirements, []) # List of objects inheriting from [Requirement] self.hints = value_or_default(hints, []) # List of objects inheriting from [Requirement] self.inputs = value_or_default(inputs, []) # List of [CommandInputParameter] objects self.outputs = value_or_default(outputs, []) # List of [CommandOutputParameter] objects self.baseCommand = base_command self.arguments = value_or_default(arguments, []) # List of [CommandLineBinding] objects self.doc = doc self.stdin = stdin self.stderr = stderr self.stdout = stdout self.successCodes = [] self.temporaryFailCodes = [] self.permanentFailCodes = [] self._path = path self.namespaces = Namespaces() self.metadata = {}
def get_dict(self): d = super(CommandLineTool, self).get_dict() d["class"] = self.__CLASS__ if self.metadata: for key, value in self.metadata.__dict__.items(): d["s:" + key] = value # - Add Namespaces d[] = {} for k, v in self.namespaces.__dict__.items(): if "$" not in v: d[][k] = v if "inputs" not in d: # Tool can have no inputs but still needs to be bound d["inputs"] = {} if "outputs" not in d: d["outputs"] = {} if self.requirements: d["requirements"] = {r.get_class(): r.get_dict() for r in self.requirements} if self.hints: d["hints"] = {r.get_class(): r.get_dict() for r in self.hints} return d @classmethod def parse_dict(cls, d): clt = super(CommandLineTool, cls).parse_dict(d) reqs = d.get("requirements") if reqs: if isinstance(reqs, list): clt.requirements = [Requirement.parse_dict(r) for r in reqs] elif isinstance(reqs, dict): # splat operator here would be so nice {**r, "class": c} clt.requirements = [] for c, r in reqs.items(): rdict = {'class': c} rdict.update(r) clt.requirements.append(Requirement.parse_dict(rdict)) hnts = d.get("hints") if hnts: if isinstance(hnts, list): clt.hints = [Requirement.parse_dict(r) for r in hnts] elif isinstance(hnts, dict): # splat operator here would be so nice {**r, "class": c} clt.hints = [] for c, r in hnts.items(): rdict = {'class': c} rdict.update(r) clt.hints.append(Requirement.parse_dict(rdict)) return clt def export_string(self): ruamel.yaml.add_representer(literal, literal_presenter) cwl_tool = self.get_dict() return ruamel.yaml.dump(cwl_tool, default_flow_style=False)
[docs] def export(self, outfile=None): """ Export the tool in CWL either on STDOUT or in outfile. """ rep = self.export_string() # Write CWL file in YAML if outfile is None: six.print_(CWL_SHEBANG, "\n", sep="") six.print_(rep) else: out_write = open(outfile, "w") out_write.write(CWL_SHEBANG + "\n\n") out_write.write(rep) out_write.close()